1960 Kennedy For President Leadership For The 60s Full Size on Linen
Regular price $895.00
1913 Nikolai Vissarionovich Nekrasov Political Lecture Broadside Imperial Russia
Regular price $595.00
1957 The Nation And The Party Are One! by Stanislav Mikhailovich Zabaluev Soviet Union Russia
1968 NEXT STOP: WASHINGTON Richard Nixon Presidential Campaign Poster
1862 The Liberator Anti-Slavery Newspaper with Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation
Regular price $395.00
1862 Chicago Tribune Newspaper Abraham Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation
Regular price $240.00
1971 Young Americans For Freedom William F. Buckley Jr. Conservatives YAF
Regular price $220.00
1976 Glory to the Heroic Workers of the County of Soviets Sovostyuk Uspensky
Regular price $175.00
1976 Soviet Union CCCP Communist Party Congress Propaganda Berezovsky
1976 Achievements of the Soviet People CCCP Communism Propaganda Artsrunyan
1986 On Lenin’s Subbotnik Day Work Efficiently and With Quality Soviet Union
Regular price $150.00
1968 Viet-Nam Veterans for Eugene McCarthy Campaign Vietnam Anti-War
Regular price $95.00
1945 Westinghouse Radio Station KDKA First Radio Broadcast Harding-Cox Election
Regular price $75.00
2000 No to the Economic Blockade Against Cuba Cuban Political
1964 LBJ For The USA Lyndon B Johnson Presidential Campaign Window Card
Regular price $65.00
1964 Lyndon B Johnson Humphrey For The USA LBJ Presidential Campaign
c.1945 To Give Them A Break Register Vote Ben Shahn CIO African Americans
Regular price SOLD
1946 Warning! Inflation Means Depression Register to Vote Ben Shahn Signed CIO
1968 A Return To Greatness Robert F. Kennedy For President 3.5” Pinback Button RARE
1908 Lincoln Douglas Debates Semi-Centennial Celebration Broadside Ottawa Illinois
1888 President Benjamin Harrison Nomination Republican Convention Japanese Rare
1968 Poetry Is Revolution Guerrilla Free Newspaper of the Streets Black Panthers
1908 Lincoln Douglas Debates Semi-Centennial Celebration Poster Alton Illinois
1968 This Time Vote Like Homer Pitts’ Whole World Depends On It Nixon
1855 SAM SONG Know-Nothing Party American Political Campaign Sheet Music
c.1981 Iraqi Baathist Party Political Victory over Farsi Enemies Iran-Iraq War
1967 We Remember Malcolm X by Ovid P. Adams Civil Rights Era
1979 Baghdad Cultural Week Iraq Iraqi Baathist Party Saddam Era
c.1980 Iraqi Baathist Political Party Iran-Iraq War Saddam Era
c.1980 Iraqi Political Oil Industry Nationalization Iran Iraq War Saddam Era
c.1981 Iran-Iraq War Era Iraqi Baathist Party Political Saddam Vintage Original
1921 El Boletin El Menuencjas Mexican Revolution Broadside by Posada
1979 Gulf Arabs Art Culture Exhibit Baghdad Iraq Baathist Party Saddam Era
1860 Abraham Lincoln Republican Nominee for President Harper’s Weekly
1960 Kennedy For President Johnson For Vice President Leadership For The 60’s Pair
1969 Day Of Solidarity With Guatemala February 6 OSPAAAL Cuban Olivio Martinez
1970 Day Of Solidarity With Zimbabwe March 17 OSPAAAL Cuban Fausto
1972 Nixon's Peace Anti Vietnam War by Lazaro Abreu Cuban OSPAAAL
1979 National March At The U.N. Black Solidarity Day Black People Charge Genocide
1951 Deutsche! Lasst Euch nicht von Grotewohl für dumm verkaufen!
1921 El Boletin El Menuencjas Mexican Revolution Broadside Posada Bolsheviks
1914 El Sargento Juan Diaz Muerte Mexican Crime Broadside Jose Guadalupe Posada
c.1973 Boycott Grapes Boycott Safeway United Farm Workers OPEU 29
c.1974 There’s Blood On Those Grapes United Farm Workers Gallo Wine Boycott
c.1972 Freiheit Für Mandela End Apartheid German Nelson Mandela
c.1969 Feed The Hungry From Death To Life Honor Dr. King SCLC Civil Rights
1978 Recht Auf Arbeit Recht Auf Kultur Grieshaber Swiss Labor Party
1968 Eugene McCarthy | Peace by Ben Shahn
1975 Fight Air Pollution Bazaar Magazine Parody Environmental Poster George Stowe
1966 Fly Far-Fareastern Airways Vacation in Vietnam Anti-War
1978 20th Anniversary Cuban Socialist Revolution Silkscreen Castro Che Guevara
1968 Robert Kennedy for President Campaign Poster Large Size
1910 Oklahoma Women Want Votes For Women Suffrage Postcard
c.1980 The Family Of Farm Workers They Labor To Feed Us All Fritz Eichenberg FLOC
1977 Salute to Cuba’s Solidarity with Vietnam South Africa July 26 USC
c.1970 United Nations Day October 24 UN Tom Tosti New York City
c.1980 Quebec Independence Referendum Prends Ton Pays En Main Camp du Oui
1983 Take President Reagan to Court in the USA | Greenham Women Against Cruise
c. 1946 Vota | Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori
1907 William H Taft | James H Sherman | Lot of 2 Campaign Posters
2000 Welcome to the Democratic National Convention 2000 | Los Angeles
1968 We're Not Alone Anymore | Democratic Candidate for President | McCarthy | Peace | Equality
2008 Vote Obama-Biden | Request Your Colorado Mail-in Ballot by Oct 28 | voteforchange.com
2008 Vote Obama-Biden November 4th | Find out where you vote voteforchange.com | Text VOTE to 62262
1940 Vote Democratic Ticket | General Election November 5, 1940 | Guard Your Gains in State
1948 Vote Democratic November 2, 1948 | Elect Experienced Democrats for Good Government
1964 Viva LBJ
1972 US Senator Barry Goldwater | Now…More Than Ever
2004 US Senate Obama | State Representatives Phelps | For Supreme Court Maag
2000 Thrill in the 'Ville | Joseph Lieberman vs Dick Cheney | Centre College Danville, Kentucky
1948 Thomas E. Dewey
1984 Reagan For President | Let's Make America Great Again
1965 Re-elect Mayor Yorty For Proven Leadership
1928 Re-elect Lieut. Governor Herbert H. Lehman | Keep Progressive Government
c. 1968 Our Foreign Policy Must Always Be An Extension of This Nation's Domestic Policy
2004 Obama for Illinois | Democrat for US Senate 2004
1968 Nixon / Agnew
1984 My Fellow Americans I Have Just Signed Legislation Which Outlaws Russia Forever
1968 Miller for Vice President
1954 Lyndon Johnson | US Senator | Roosevelt | Unity | Defense
1968 Let's Put Bob Kennedy to Work for New York | Robert F. Kennedy for US Senator Committee
1964 LBJ For the USA
1968 Robert F Kennedy
1960 Kennedy for President
1968 Kennedy
1938 Keep Pennsylvania Liberal
1970 "Our answer is the world's hope: it is to rely on youth..." Robert F. Kennedy
1964 Johnson Humphrey for the USA
1960 Johnson for Vice President
1968 It Takes Courage! | Wallace Has It! | Do you? | Stand Up for America!
1948 Homes for All | Elect Alben W. Barkley | Vice President
1976 He's making us proud again. | Gerald Ford
1968 Goldwater | Miller | A Team You Can Trust
1964 Goldwater | In Your Heart, You Know He's Right
1968 Goldwater and Miller for US | A Choice…Not an Echo
2008 For The Change We Need Vote Obama-Biden November 4th Find out where you vote voteforchange.com
c. 1974 Freedom For Women by Margaret Hamilton
1968 Fred Halstead for President | Paul Boutelle for Vice President | Vote Socialist Workers in 68
1940 For President Wendell L. Willkie
2000 Easter at the White House
1948 Earl Warren
1976 Carter Mondale '76
1896 William McKinley by William Edgar Marshall
1976 Beat Big Business | Vote Communist | Hall & Tyner | Andrew's Daily World
1976 Angela Davis Urges Declare Your Independence | Vote for Hall and Tyner
1956 Alfred E. Neuman for President | "What-Me Worry?"
1973 Guinea Bissau Independence